Branford Girls Softball Bylaws
As of October 17, 2024
Approved by eBoard on October 22, 2024
I. Introduction:
Branford Girls Softball (BGS) is a non-profit organization that is made up of an elected board of directors plus volunteers that help manage BGS. Our programs offer the necessary skills to develop players from the ages of 5 to 18 by competitively challenging the players through a high-quality learning environment in a safe and fun manner.
II. Codes of Conduct:
1) Coach Code of Conduct:
- Be on time for all activities
- Follow the BGS Mission Statement
- Use the structured skills exercises provided
- Refrain from foul and/or abusive language
- Be familiar with league rules and regulations
- Arguing with umpires, coaches, parents, players, or spectators will not be tolerated
- Encourage players and spectators to support umpires and opponents
- Coaches will be responsible for their players, parents, and spectators
- Coaches are responsible for fields and playing area and are to report on any issues
- Coaches have to attend the mandatory coaches meeting and sign off on the attendance sheet
2) Player Code of Conduct:
- Be on time and ready to play
- Be coachable, have proper softball attire and equipment and keep area clean and organized
- No foul or abusive language will be tolerated
- Encourage teammates and opponents
- Respect coaches, opponents, spectators, and umpires
3) Parent Code of Conduct:
- Arguing with umpires, coaches, players, or spectators will not be
- tolerated
- No foul or abusive language will be tolerated
- Encourage both teams
- Support the umpires and all coaches and team parents
- Umpires and coaches have the right to ask a parent, player, or spectator to leave the park at any time when a code of conduct is violated
- Keep an open line of communication with team parent
- Keep area clean and remove all trash
4) Miscellaneous:
- Coaches and players will ensure all trash is cleaned up after practice and games
- No smoking, vaping, alcohol, or firearms allowed at Foote Memorial Park
- If asked to be removed from the fields the person will have to go in front of the eBoard and an infringement will be recorded. After three infringements there will be a permanent ban for the remainder of the season
III. Executive Board of Directors:
BGS Executive Board of Directors will consist of seven voting members. The President’s vote will be the tie-breaking vote if there is ever a vacancy. Member responsibilities are subject to change at any time. Annual voting will be in November and repeat every year. Coaches and their spouses/relatives are not allowed to serve on the eBoard as a voting member.
1) President:
- Fields and facilities management
- Schedule facilities for indoor and outdoor activities
- Oversee all BGS operations
2) Vice President:
- Skills clinics coordinator
- Assist President in running day to day operations
3) Treasurer:
- Checkbook management and pay the bills
- Provide a monthly financial breakdown to eBoard Members at monthly meeting
- Presents all expenses over $100 which will require eBoard approval through motion and vote
- Oversees fund raising committee and activities
4) Secretary:
- Record meeting minutes and distribute to eBoard
- Create “To Do” list from meeting minutes and distribute to all involved
- Coordinate with President to organize meeting agenda
- Schedule and reserve meeting rooms
- Manage website, social media, marketing
- Responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, email lists and necessary records
- Manage outgoing correspondence
- Maintain shared Google calendar
5) Player Agent:
- All-Star Coordinator
- Organize and maintain player call up list
- Organize and facilitate player evaluations
- Organize and run draft
- Player compliance to Little League rules
6) Umpire In Chief:
- Schedule all umpires
- Train and meet with umpires
7) Coaching Coordinator:
- Observe coaches at all levels and meet with the President and Vice President for coaching evaluations
- Works with Better Coaching Committee to interview and screen each coach
- Responsible for Little League coaching certification requirements and background check compliance
- Handle all coach/parental complaints
8) Consultant:
- Outside looking in on operations
- Backup for additional input and help with operations
IV. Committees:
1) Scheduling Chair, Assistant Scheduler:
- Spring, Summer, and Fall Ball coordinator
- Tournament coordinator
- Maintain communication with all coaches and collaborate with coaches regarding game/practice schedules
- Communicate with President weekly regarding game and practice schedules/field usage
2) Sponsor Chair:
- Find sponsorships for BGS
- Handle plaques and trophies
- Responsible for pre-registration lawn signs and distribution
3) Fundraiser Committee Chair:
- Organize fundraisers
- Manage and collect funds
- Work with Treasurer
- Organizing and run BGS’s float in Branford Parade
4) Opening Day Chair:
- Plan, organize and manage Opening Day activities
5) Banquet Committee Chair:
- Plan, organize and manage Banquet activities
6) Equipment Manager:
- Maintain equipment inventory log
- Organize and maintain equipment shed
- Distribution and collection of BGS equipment
- Report to President any needed items and/or equipment to be ordered
V. Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Parents:
All coaches, team parents, umpires, and volunteers will need to complete a Little League background check and comply with all Little League requirements.
1) Head Coach:
- Follow all codes of conduct
- Coach games and schedule practices
- Inspect field before and after usage and report hazards
- Responsible for players, team staff, facilities, and spectators conduct and clean up
- Team organization
- Responsible for scorebooks to be filled out and turned into VP
- Responsible for removing unruly person(s), fan(s) per umpire(s)
- Follow the structured practices given
- Responsible for all BGS gear and equipment including returning said gear/equipment
2) Assistant Coach:
- Assist head coach
- Step in for head coach when needed
- Follow all codes of conduct and responsibilities listed under Head Coach (as noted above)
3) Team Parent:
- Team communications
- Organizing snacks and water to be provided by parents
- Follow all codes of conduct
- Organize team building events or team fun time
- Help parents with any issues involving the team
- Assist coaches
VI. Divisions and Player Policies:
1) Eligible Player:
- Meets age requirement for their division per guidelines
- Nonresidents are welcome
- In-house divisions: Coach Pitch (league age *5,6,7,8); Minors (league age 9,10,11,12); Majors (league age 9,10,11,12); Juniors (league age 11,12,13,14); Seniors (league age 12,13,14,15,16) *5-year-old players must have completed one year of tee ball to play Coach Pitch
2) New Players:
- Must be evaluated
- May be placed in a younger division pending skill assessment
3) Alternate/Call Up Players:
- Must be evaluated
- Will be placed on a list
- Player will be chosen based off of their skill assessment
- Coaches or team parents need to coordinate with Player Agent to call a player up
4) Fall Ball:
- No try outs or evaluations
- Season runs September through end of October
- Min of 9 players with a max of 12
- Fees are separate
- Spring teams will be maintained for Fall Ball
- Players may reuse their Spring season uniforms
5) Evaluations:
- Will be held before the season starts for all players
- Evaluation process will consist of fielding, throwing, catching, running, sliding, hitting, bunting, knowledge of the game, attitude, and coachability
- Players need to be organized and properly equipped
- After evaluations, the Player Agent will determine if a player meets the requirements to move up or be on the call up list
VII. Player Fees:
- Recreation fees include all costs for in-house programs, and developmental skills clinics
- Advance clinics will have an additional fee(s)
- All fees are non-refundable
VIII. Sponsors:
- Must be appropriate for youth sports
- Be in good standings with the community
- Will have their name on the players’ jerseys and will receive a team plaque
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